Monstera Adansonii Monkey Mask 95mm


Monstera Adansonii Monkey Mask 95mm with or without Macrame Ceramic Pot 95mm

The Monstera Monkey Mask, officially known as Monstera Adansonii, is related to the well-known Swiss-cheese plant. Mmm cheese…

This plant looks like it’s been to battle, with holes in the middle of the leaf, by the vein, with the ends of the leaf closed off, which gives this species a very distinctive look.


Low to bright, indirect light. Prolonged exposure to bright direct sunlight may burn and scorch their leaves. (Note – sunscreen does NOT work!) Growth will be slower in low light environments.


Keep hydrated with weekly watering and frequent misting. Allow the soil to dry out between watering, especially during winter when you might only need to water your plant fortnightly. Plants can drown so put the watering can down!


Toxic to both people and animals – keep away from small children and pets. No matter how tempted you are to eat these delicious looking leaves, restrain yourself.
